- Version 1.1.7563.31005
- Download 2
- File Size 331.20 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date September 15, 2020
- Last Updated September 15, 2020
The Kim Web API Agent utility (KAPI) is a robot used to create new Kim Cases. This new version added support to define a "Culture" application setting in the "config" file and set this to an alternate culture code. When used this informs Kim that ALL of the content controls in the submitted template were formatted with this culture. For instance, if a date content control is submitted with a value of "5/9/2020" and the Culture is set to "en-GB", Kim will know that the date submitted is "September 5, 2020", but if the same date value is submitted and the Culture is set to "en-US" the content control will be interpreted as "May 9, 2020". This new setting is a required configuration setting starting in this version.