Helping Corporate Legal Departments of all Sizes
Manage Remote Working Teams in Challenging Times
Responding to the global disruption of ‘business-as-usual’ for in-house legal departments, today Kim Technologies announces the immediate availability of its plug-and-play Kim Legal Assistant, at no cost to Corporate Legal Departments until 31 December 2020.
What problems does it solve?
It facilitates effective remote working and team collaboration, the allocation and re-assignment of matters/cases, resource management, prioritisation of work and matter/case visibility. It helps GCs, Chief Legal Officers and Legal Team members answer the questions – what work do we have, where has it come from, what impact does it have on the business, and what should we prioritise, who is working on it (internally and externally), where is it in the process, why did we close it?
What functionality does it provide?
It allows legal teams, in one Platform, to (i) allocate matters/cases, (ii) attach documents, (iii) re-assign matters/cases, (iv) track the progress of all work through matter/case statuses, (v) monitor matter/case close reasons, (vi) make notes, (vii) send emails and (viii) view live and trend matter/case dashboards (from an overview of all matters/cases and their business impact to those being handled by an individual team member – see screen shots below).
How secure is the Assistant?
The tool is hosted by Kim in a multi-tenant, enterprise scale, Microsoft Azure cloud. Access to the Platform is password protected and the servers (VMs) are encrypted for data at rest with bit locker. All data in motion is SSL encrypted and session data is SHA hash encrypted.
What additional IT does my team need to use the Assistant?
None. The Kim Legal Assistant is available via your browser from your tablet, desktop or laptop.
What training does my team need to use the Assistant?
None. The Kim Legal Assistant is plug-and-play and very intuitive and ‘help videos’ are in production.
Is the Assistant really no cost until 31 December 2020?
Yes, at no-cost until 31 December 2020. At the end of this period the Corporate Legal Department can cease use of the Assistant having paid no set-up or license fees. The Corporate Legal Department can continue to use the Assistant from 1 January 2021 Kim by agreeing a fixed, annual fee with Kim.
Is there a Briefing Pack with features, screen shots and a video?
Yes, you can request the Briefing Pack by emailing
Can it really be taken live in 48 hours?
Yes, the Kim Legal Assistant is live in six simple steps:
For the full press release and accompanying screen shots please click here.